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A Flourishing Community

A Flourishing Community

Safe and Caring Learning Environments

The Board of 91社区 believes it is a shared responsibility to create a safe, caring, respectful, and welcoming culture. We see education at the centre of a flourishing community. 

Our CommitmentFlourishi.png

  • Foster a culture of belonging where diversity is expected and celebrated where each learner is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.
  • Design intellectually engaging learning within the program of studies. Learning opportunities are relevant, purposeful and differentiated to develop knowledge, skills, conceptual understanding and deeper thinking.
  • Develop and provide a continuum of supports to address students’ strengths, needs and areas for growth.
  • Develop competencies within each learner for lifelong learning and active citizenship through collaboration, critical thinking, communication, creativity and innovation, problem solving, managing information, personal growth and well-being, as well as cultural and global citizenship. 
  • Ensure students are literate and numerate.  Learning opportunities are designed in all subject areas and grade levels to develop learners’ ability, confidence and willingness to engage, communicate and create.
  • Design assessment and evaluation to support student independence and self-efficacy in their learning. Students know where they are, where they need to be, and next steps in learning through clear success criteria, learning targets, and effective feedback. Ongoing assessment/student evidence is used to guide instruction and improve student learning.
  • Collaborate as a learning community to support each learner’s success.

Federal (e.g. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) and provincial (e.g. Education Act, Alberta Human Rights Act) legislation, policy and directives are in place to recognize, support and protect the fundamental human rights of all members of the school community.

Safe and Caring Learning Environments

91社区 believes in creating learning environments that are welcoming, caring, respectful and safe which respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging for all students, staff and families. This means that each and every person has the relevant learning opportunities and appropriate supports needed to feel valued and to be successful in school.

Learning and Instruction

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