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Off Campus Summer Programs



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  • Work Experience 15, 25, and 35 are three separate courses developed to provide opportunities for senior high school students, ages 15 or older, to apply their knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the workplace. These courses also provide opportunities for the school and community to combine resources to further students’ career development and build their employability skills. Through work experience, students may discover their occupational interests and aptitudes in meaningful work-integrated learning activities. Students must have HCS 3000 completed prior to enrolling in work experience program. Over the summer, students can earn 3 to 10 credits. A student must be enrolled in a work experience course that has been fully approved by an off-campus coordinator before they can begin earning hours for credit.

  • The Registered Apprenticeship Program provides high school students (15 years of age or older) the opportunity to earn high school credits and gain on the job training that can be applied toward an apprenticeship. RAP Students are both high school students and registered apprentices through Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) and Alberta Advanced Education supervised by an Off-campus coordinator and a qualified journeyperson. Students are encouraged to enroll in work experience prior to enrolling in RAP to determine suitability. A student must apply for their Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) Record Book, also know as a Blue Book, before they commence a RAP placement. A student must be enrolled in a RAP placement that has been fully approved by an off-campus coordinator before they can begin earning high school RAP credits. Students will earn 5 credits for every 125 hours of apprenticeship work.

  • The Green Certificate Program is an apprenticeship-style delivery of courses to ensure that students (15 years of age or older) learn by actively performing the skills required. Students (trainees) choose a specialization area and learn on the job under the direction of experienced farm personnel (trainers). Students who complete all three courses and pass all three exams in a specialization to the standards specified, will earn an Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Level I Technician Green Certificate. Students must be registered and approved by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, attend an induction meeting with a regional representative and once the training site is approved by the off-campus coordinator, students will be provided with their training manual. Students can earn up to 16 credits per specialization and must write one exam within their first year of registration. Testing is not available in the summer months.


To be registered in an Off-campus Work Experience, RAP, and Green Certificate Program students must:

  • complete pre-requisite course requirements prior to starting a program:
    • Work Experience: HCS 3000
    • Registered Apprenticeship Program: HCS 3000 & HCS 3010, 125 hours in work experience, and have received their Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) Record Book
    • Green Certificate: AGR 3000
  • be in Grade 10, 11 or 12 year in a 91社区 school
  • be working towards high school completion
  • meet with their school’s Academic and Career Advisor and be registered before the final day of classes in June.
  • All work and training sites must be approved by the off-campus coordinator, and an off-campus contract must be completed and signed prior to student enrollment in the program.

How to Apply

Deadline to apply June 27, 2024

The school’s Academic and Career Advisor will assist with the application process:

  1. Read through the Career Education Program descriptions and specific program descriptions.
  2. Select a program of interest (Work Experience, Green Certificate or Registered Apprenticeship Program)
  3. Review program choice with the school’s Academic and Career Advisor for program readiness and concerns.
  4. The school’s Academic and Career Advisor will fill out the registration form for the student before the registration deadline.
  5. Once registered, the student will receive an email from the summer off-campus coordinator who will communicate the next steps. Check school and personal email often.

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