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Blackie School Modernization


The Government of Alberta is modernizing Blackie School.  This project will provide mechanical, electrical, interior and exterior upgrades to ensure students continue to have access to the modern, up-to-date learning facility.

“Our government remains committed to building new schools and modernizing our existing ones to ensure students continue to learn in safe and modern spaces. Education remains a priority and our government’s significant investment in school infrastructure is delivering on our promise to prioritize schools for today and generations to come.”

- Adriana LaGrange, Minister of Education

The Government of Alberta’s 2020 Capital Plan adds two new modernization projects and provides full construction funding for nine projects that had previously only received design funding. This brings government’s total Capital Plan investment to $1.5 billion over the next three years to support new schools and modernization projects currently underway across the province.

“I’m really proud to be part of a government that is supporting this community with a much needed update to the Blackie School. A partnership with Foothills County will also help see this school become an even more important hub for the town of Blackie and surrounding area. Once completed, a modernized Blackie School will be a welcoming and safe place for both students and the community.”

- Roger Reid, MLA, Livingstone-Macleod

"Building Bright Futures is the motto for Blackie School. I can think of no more fitting words to mark the beginning of this modernization process.  While this motto reflects the commitment of the school to help its students grow to be all they can be, I think it also refers to the fact that, in the years ahead, the school and the community will grow together and that each will enrich and contribute to the growth of the other."

- Larry Albrecht, Board Chair 91社区

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