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Awards and Scholarships

How To Find Scholarships

1. Go To Your Post-Secondary School’s Website And Type "Scholarship" Into The Search Bar

  • That will take you to their awards and scholarship page
  • External Awards means scholarships available to anyone, not just those going to that school
  • Login into your post-secondary’s student portal and submit applications

2.  FCHS Awards

  • Check out FCHS’s Scholarship Handbook Below

3. External Awards

  • Find the list of external awards on your post-secondary’s website
  • Check out the updated that we update whenever a new scholarship comes to our attention  
  • External awards programs such as

4. RUTHERFORD SCHOLARSHIP - Apply once you’ve been accepted to post-secondary through Student Aid Alberta

5.  Apply For Student Loans

  • Go to student aid Alberta to apply (some of the loan might come in a grant – which means you don’t have to pay it back!!)

Learn More About Scholarships

Learn more about specific Alberta scholarships through these resources:

  • Alberta Scholarship and Bursary Programs (Overview)


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