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Dress Code


The dress code is aimed at establishing and maintaining reasonable standards of dress for all school activities. Good taste and judgment in the selection of clothing worn to school are expected. Styles in dress and grooming should be appropriate for the context of a school environment and support a safe, caring, welcoming, and respectful environment for all.  


Appropriate attire and grooming improve the learning environment, promotes positive behaviour, reduce discipline concerns, enhance school safety, promote school spirit, and develop self-confidence. Dress and deportment affect how we relate to others and how others relate to us. Students are expected to be diligent and thoughtful in their efforts at being a learner and part of this is how students dress and behave. Students are required to dress appropriately for school. Students will not be allowed to attend class if, in the professional judgment of an adult, they choose a style of dress that detracts from the learning environment.

Our school supports students being dressed for success by considering a casual workplace attire that promotes diversity of expression, yet maintains dignity and respect to maintain a focused learning environment: 

  1. Clothing should not compromise modesty of any gender.
  2. Clothing must not impede safety (for example, overly flowing clothing that can get caught on equipment) including being prepared for cold weather, and planned and unplanned school evacuations during inclement weather.  
  3. Clothing that exposes inappropriate areas shall not be worn. This includes undergarments, tight and revealing summer wear that exposes shoulders and midriff (muscle shirts and halter tops are examples). Skirts, dresses, and shorts need to reach at least the mid-thigh. Pants need to be pulled up so they cover undergarments.
  4. Outdoor attire will be removed and kept in lockers during school hours. This includes hats, gloves, jackets, and coats.
  5. Respectful use of spray cologne, perfume, and body spray deodorant. Many people are affected by allergies to these smells.
  6. Clothing needs to be appropriate for classes where safety is an issue such as science labs and foods class.
  7. Students in grades 6-9 must change for PE. School-issued PE gear is available for purchase or suitable clothing in consultation with your PE teacher must be brought from home.
  8. Obscenity and violence are not tolerated in our school; therefore, clothing and personal belongings with obscene sayings are not acceptable such as: drug paraphernalia/sayings, violent scenes or inappropriate messages (i.e. beer logos, sexual or drug connotation, disrespectful messages)
  9. Shoes must be worn at all times in case of an evacuation drill. Indoor shoes must be non-marking.
  10. Hats may be worn in our hallways, however, will be removed in classrooms, learning commons or gym.  Hoodies must be down while in the building.  

Any inappropriately dressed students will be approached by a same-gender adult who will discuss their choices and come up with an appropriate solution.  

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