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Oilfields High School Cell Phone Policy

Oilfields High School Cell Phone Policy

Research is clear that cell phones distract from learning and create other issues we must attend to at the school level (gaming, bullying, theft, damage and other inappropriate uses). Alberta Education has passed a Ministerial Order that regulates the use of mobile devices in schools. Beginning September 1, 2024, Oilfields High School will have the following policy:

Definitions: Mobile and smart devices include personal mobile devices that can be used to communicate with or access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, laptop, or smartwatch, as well as associated accessories including earbuds, headphones, and microphones.

Instructional Time: The time dedicated during the school day to teaching subject area and curricular content and that is supervised by a teacher or other member of the school staff team.

Cell phones and smart devices must be powered off and not used during instructional time.

Cell phones and smart devices must be powered off and not on the student’s person during instructional time, this includes all spaces and locations on school premises.

Cell phones and smart devices will be powered off and put away in allowable places for phones during instructional time. At Oilfields this includes lockers, backpacks or teacher desks during instructional time (phones even seen in pockets will be taken).

Wireless ear buds/air pods and smart watches are not allowed in class. If students have permission to listen to music in class, they need headphones that are wired into a computer.

Bathroom breaks are considered instructional time, and phones (or backpacks with phones) are not allowed in them.

Spares/preps are considered instructional time anywhere within the school building.

Instructional time starts immediately upon the bell, so this means that phones are already away prior to entering the classroom (unless a student walks directly to the teacher's desk to deposit the phone for the period and only picks it up at the bell to end the period).

Students may only use mobile and smart devices during instructional time when the teacher gives explicit direction for their use as part of learning.

Non-Instructional Time: The time dedicated during the school day when phones and mobile devices are allowed.

Cell phones and smart devices can be powered on and used by students during breaks from instructional time (lunch, recess) and before and after school.

Non-instructional times at OHS:


Before School Before 8:40


Morning break 10:05-10:15


Lunch break 12:05-12:35


Afternoon break 2:00-2:10


After school After 3:30


Exemptions for cell phone and smart device use for students during instructional time include only:

Students who require the use of these devices for medical documented purposes.

School staff and administration will work with students and families to ensure students with complex needs have access to appropriate, recommended assistive technology that is compliant with expectations as outlined by Alberta Education.

Families can work with school staff and administration to assure requisite exemptions are in place.

Staff are encouraged to carry their phones for emergency use throughout the workday. Staff regularly need to communicate with the office and administration through their mobile device.

Staff may also use it for educational purposes during the school day.

Staff are not allowed to be on personal social media or other non-educational sites during their teaching time or supervision time while with students.

Social Media:

Social media access will be blocked for students on all 91社区 routers.


Students needing to contact parents/guardians regarding an urgent matter during instructional time can use the Student Phone in the Office.

Parents/Guardians who need to urgently contact their child during instructional time can call the school office.

Consequences: Staff are asked to follow the following progressive discipline framework for enforcing the use mobile and smart devices:

• On a first incidence of the use of mobile and smart devices during instructional time in class the student will be asked to power off and place the device in a designated space on the teacher’s desk:

• At the conclusion of instructional time the teacher will have a discussion with the student upon returning it.

• On a second incidence of the use of mobile and smart devices during instructional time in class the student will be asked to power off and place the device in a designated space on the teacher’s desk:

• Staff will drop the phone off in the office. The student will pick the phone up from the office at lunch or after school (whichever is next) where the administration will then have a discussion with the student upon returning it.

• On a third incidence of the use of mobile and smart devices during instructional time in class the student will be asked to power off and place the device in a designated space on the teacher’s desk:

• Staff will drop the phone off in the office. The student will pick the phone up from the office at the end of the day after the administration have informed parents/guardians that this is becoming a concern.

• On the fourth incidence of the use of mobile and smart devices during instructional time in class the student will be asked to power off and place the device in a designated space on the teacher’s desk:

• Staff will drop the phone off in the office. The parent/guardian will then be called to arrange a meeting with administration where a plan will be developed for continued mobile and smart device use. Plans can and will be progressive in nature and may be student specific and may include phone suspensions with timelines and loss of privileges, location plan for devices during the day, and other school plans and/or school consequences.

Further incidences of use of mobile devices during instructional time will progress to in school suspensions, out of school suspensions, or other reasonable consequences.

Students who refuse to hand their mobile and smart device during any incidence or refuses to follow their specific device plan created for them, will be reported to administration and further school plans and/or consequences may occur.

Other mobile and smart device use issues such as gaming, bullying, theft, damage, and other inappropriate uses conducted during instructional or non-instructional time will result in consequences following the Student Code of Conduct.

Oilfields High School and 91社区 are not responsible for loss or stolen mobile devices at any point during the school day, whether the device is in the care of students or staff.

91社区 - Administrative Procedure 350 – Respect for All – Student Code of Conduct

Ministerial Order information - M.O. 014/2024 - Education (alberta.ca)

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